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程远公司受华锐公司的委托自大连至汕头港运输岸桥、滚装工具等。程远公司将上述货物装载于烟台打捞局所有的“德浮15002”驳船,并期租了轮驳公司所有的“津港轮35”轮拖带“德浮15002”驳船。 Continue reading



2022年5月31日,天津市重磅推出《天津市贯彻落实扎实稳住经济的一揽子政策措施实施方案》。方案主要包括全面落实国家财政政策、用足用好货币金融支持、稳投资促消费扩大内需、保障粮食能源安全、稳定畅通产业链供应链、兜牢民生保障底线六个方面、35条政策措施。 Continue reading

SPC published eight typical cases concerning the interests of crew members in maritime disputes

BEIJING — China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) has published eight typical cases concerning the interests of crew members in maritime disputes to encourage consistency in court rulings on such issues.

The cases published by the SPC cover various issues, including disputes over the employment contracts of crew members, maritime liens and personal injuries caused by ship collisions.

The SPC said that given the large proportion of crew member-related disputes in overall maritime cases, it is important to offer guidance to courts to ensure that similar cases get similar rulings.