Category Archives: News

Blockchain application in the judicial field

The blockchain has been increasingly important in the industries. However, it was not popular to be used in the litigation proceedings in China in the past. Recently China supreme court released a new opinion regarding the blockchain application in the judcial field, by which the blockchain technology may be promoted. Here Lawyer Wang will study this opinion by China’s supreme court on blockchain, and share it with you. Continue reading

China updated the hierarchical jurisdiction over foreign-related civil&commercial cases

On Nov.14th, 2022, the China supreme court issued a new regulation concerning the hierachical jurisdiction over foreign related disputes which shall be take effect from Jan. 1st, 2023. Let’s take a look at it: Continue reading

Bozhuan law firm is recommended as an estate administrator

What is estate administrator under laws of China

Estate Administrator is the executor of testament after inheritance begins; in the event of no testament, heirs should choose a heir timely and in case of no selection, all heirs together should be the esate administrator; in case of no heir or all heirs give up the rights, the community commission or the civil administration department of government where the deceased resided should be the administrator of the decedent’s estate. Continue reading

海事海商法律案例:天使力量”(Angelic Power)轮船员劳务合同纠纷系列案

【基本案情】“天使力量”轮的船舶所有人为利比里亚天使动力投资公司(Angeliki Dynamis Investment Corporation),登记的船籍港为希腊比雷埃夫斯,船舶管理人为泛大洋海事公司(Panthalassa Maritime Corporation)。 Continue reading