

关于为跨境诉讼当事人提供网上立案服务的若干规定 Regulations on providing service of online filing for cross-border litigant



  • 来源:最高人民法院
  • 发布时间:2021-02-03

  为让中外当事人享受到同等便捷高效的立案服务,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》《最高人民法院关于人民法院登记立案若干问题的规定》等法律和司法解释,结合人民法院工作实际,制定本规定。In order to enable foreigners to file as equal and convenient as Chinese, this regulation is brought into being in accordacance with China Civil Procedure Laws, PSC regulations on registering cases and etc., and combined with practice of People’s Court,

  第一条  人民法院为跨境诉讼当事人提供网上立案指引、查询、委托代理视频见证、登记立案服务。People’s Court shall provide service of instructions, equiries, video witness of trusting attorneys, and registration.

  本规定所称跨境诉讼当事人,包括外国人、香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区(以下简称港澳特区)和台湾地区居民、经常居所地位于国外或者港澳台地区的我国内地公民以及在国外或者港澳台地区登记注册的企业和组织。The cross-border litigants referred to in this regulations include foreigners, habitants of Hongkong, Macao,and Taiwan, Chinese residing abroad or at Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan, and the corporations and organizations registered with a foreign country or at regions of Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan.

  第二条  为跨境诉讼当事人提供网上立案服务的案件范围包括第一审民事、商事起诉。The scope of online filing service for cross-border litigant is the civil or commercial compliant for the first instance

  第三条  人民法院通过中国移动微法院为跨境诉讼当事人提供网上立案服务。People’s Court shall provide online filing service for cross-border litigants through China Mobile E-Court.

  第四条  跨境诉讼当事人首次申请网上立案的,应当由受诉法院先行开展身份验证。身份验证主要依托国家移民管理局出入境证件身份认证平台等进行线上验证;无法线上验证的,由受诉法院在线对当事人身份证件以及公证、认证、转递、寄送核验等身份证明材料进行人工验证。If it’s the first time for cross-border litigants to apply for online filing, the court of jurisiction shall verify the identification firstly. ID verification shall be done by the identification platform of entry and exit certificate of National Immigration Bureau

  身份验证结果应当在3个工作日内在线告知跨境诉讼当事人。The cross-border litigants shall be notified with the outcome of ID verification within three business days.

  第五条  跨境诉讼当事人进行身份验证应当向受诉法院在线提交以下材料:the following documents shall be submitted online in order for cross-border litigants to go through ID verification

  (一)外国人应当提交护照等用以证明自己身份的证件;企业和组织应当提交身份证明文件和代表该企业和组织参加诉讼的人有权作为代表人参加诉讼的证明文件,证明文件应当经所在国公证机关公证,并经我国驻该国使领馆认证。外国人、外国企业和组织所在国与我国没有建立外交关系的,可以经过该国公证机关公证,经与我国有外交关系的第三国驻该国使领馆认证,再转由我国驻第三国使领馆认证。如我国与外国人、外国企业和组织所在国订立、缔结或者参加的国际条约、公约中对证明手续有具体规定,从其规定,但我国声明保留的条款除外;Certificates such as passports shall be submitted by foreigners to prove his identification;certficates of identification and certificates that the person representing the corporation or organization is authorized to attend litigation, submitted by corporations and organizations, shall be notarized by notary public and also be authenticated by China embassy/consulate in the correspondent country.If the residing country of foreginers or foreign corporations and organizations has not built a foreign relations with China, the certificates could be notarized by notary public in such a country and then authenticated by third country’s Embassy/consulate in this country and forwarded to be authenticated by China embassy/consulate in the correspondent third country. In case there is a provision for the proving formulation in the treaties or conventions signed, entered into, or participated by China and the residing country of foreigners, foreign corporations and organizations,such provision shall prevail, except for the clauses that China has declared for reservation.

  (二)港澳特区居民应当提交港澳特区身份证件或者港澳居民居住证、港澳居民来往内地通行证等用以证明自己身份的证件;企业和组织应当提交身份证明文件和代表该企业和组织参加诉讼的人有权作为代表人参加诉讼的证明文件,证明文件应当经过内地认可的公证人公证,并经中国法律服务(香港)有限公司或者中国法律服务(澳门)有限公司加章转递;For residents of Hongkong and Macau, they should submit the identity certification, or residential certificate or passport for commuting to mainland and etc, of Hongkong or Macau administrative region, to certify his identity; companyies and organizations should submit its entity certificate and the certificate that proves that the representiave who participtes a lawsuit is duly authorized, the certificate should be notarized by notary in mainland, furtherly it should be stamped and transferred by China Legal Service (Hongkong) Co.ltd or China Legal Service(Macau) Co.ltd.

  (三)台湾地区居民应当提交台湾地区身份证件或者台湾居民居住证、台湾居民来往大陆通行证等用以证明自己身份的证件;企业和组织应当提交身份证明文件和代表该企业和组织参加诉讼的人有权作为代表人参加诉讼的证明。证明文件应当通过两岸公证书使用查证渠道办理;For residents of Taiwan, they should submit the identity certification, or residential certificate or passport for coummuting to mainland and etc, of Taiwan, to prove their ID; companies and organizations should submit entity certificate and the certificate that proves the representative who participates a lawsuit is duly authorized. The certificate should go through the checking channel of notary paper between Taiwan and Mainland


  第六条  通过身份验证的跨境诉讼当事人委托我国内地律师代理诉讼,可以向受诉法院申请线上视频见证。



  第七条  跨境诉讼当事人申请网上立案应当在线提交以下材料:





  第八条  跨境诉讼当事人委托代理人进行诉讼的授权委托材料包括:





  第九条  受诉法院收到网上立案申请后,应当作出以下处理:






  第十条  跨境诉讼当事人提交的立案材料中包含以下内容的,受诉法院不予登记立案:







  第十一条  其他诉讼事项,依据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的规定办理。

  第十二条  本规定自2021年2月3日起施行。


涉外诉讼 联系天津王景占律师 电话:13920701735,(微信同电话),地址天津市南开区黄河道与广开四马路交口格调大厦205,

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